Monday, August 24, 2020

Chili and the Mounting Block

 Sometimes I do things with my horses when there isn't traffic in the arena. Chili isn't a stranger to this type of work, but it has been a while since I've done any particular "liberty" work. I don't really subscribe or follow any trainer's methodology and I've just made it up as I've gone along, so if it looks wonky, it probably is.

But essentially, I try and mount from the taller block every time since it saves significant strain on my bad hip number. The horse needs to line up at the block. I turned it into a game that when she comes over and lines up, she does get a reward. Chili isn't an incredibly food motivated horse, but apparently just enough at times to make this work.

Anyone else do any particular "trick" or "liberty" work with their horses?


  1. I do something like that- just not at full liberty. My arena is surrounded by grass and I know how that would end. :)

    1. Hahaha. Absolutely. I just feel like I am in my own strange universe sometimes in what I do with my horses, so nice to see that others enjoy different activities/interactions as well. :)


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