Monday, March 17, 2014

Memory Monday: Lola

Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl
With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there
She would merengue and do the cha-cha
And while she tried to be a star
Tony always tended bar
Across the crowded floor, they worked from 8 til 4
They were young and they had each other
Who could ask for more?

When I first started my university education, I joined a horse related club on campus.  While, I didn't show, I enjoyed the meetings.  I had the chance to "foal watch" pregnant mares on campus and fell in love with some of the beautiful broodmares.

There I met Lola.

She was one of the foals born.  Very friendly, sweet, and lazy.  She was a reining bred foal.  

After I left campus, she was gone.  I was told she went back to the person who had her dam.  Sweet little Lola.  I hoped she would grow up and make us all proud.

Then a couple years later, I was in another equine class, learning to draw blood on a very sweet, young two year old filly.  She stood stock still and was patient, quiet, and sweet as I fumbled with a needle, trying to find her jugular under a mountain of hair. 

It was little Lola.

She was growing up.  My understanding is that she had suffered some type of injury, precluding her from athletic endeavors, so she was donated back to the university. 

I graduated, but always wondered what happened to sweet Lola.  I still had great friends that would give me updates on her.

The greatest coincidence happened.  One of my friends was assigned Lola in her reproduction class and foaled her out.

She named Lola's daughter Mandy, after another Barry Manilow song.

But like many good things, they can come to an end all too soon  I think a piece of my heart broke.  She was never mine, of course.  I was just there for her little baby steps and as she grew up. 

I had always hoped I would be able to see more of her foals do well.  Quite unrealistic, but I had always hoped to go find one to breed a nice half Arabian reiner. 

"Her name is Lola, she was a showgirl..."

Sweet dreams Lola.  

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