Thursday, February 12, 2015

Photography Contest Update

As I had previously mentioned a few posts ago, I had entered a few photos in a photography contest of sorts for the Arabian Horse Times magazine.

Imagine my surprise when my photos won first and fifth place.  Of course, it helps that the contest was based on Facebook likes instead of sheer artistic qualities, but still!

My photos are the one in the upper left and the one on the right hand page in the upper left as well.  :)

A bit of fun.  I entered a few more photos in a local horse based photography contest, so stay tuned...maybe I'll get lucky again!

I am hoping that once I am done with my current program, I can do a few short course photography courses to learn how to utilize my camera more efficiently and to manipulate and play with light.  :) 

So many things to learn, so little time.


Please leave a comment if you like. I love hearing from readers and would like to know that I am not always talking to myself. ;)