Monday, June 23, 2014

Rare Glimpse of the Person Behind The Blog...

I am not actually 16, even though everyone thinks I am.  I am just not photogenic. 

I was also told that I looked like I was 16 this weekend.  LOL!  Glad to know that I'm aging well.  I hope I can always subtract at least ten years off my age.

I'll have to try and get photos together of what we won.  The SFF won the neck garlands of course, two top five ribbons, two championship ribbons, a blue ribbon from the pre show, a white ribbon from the pre show and two giant embroidered green coolers.  I could probably wrap the coolers around the filly twice and still have some left over.  :)

My first blue ribbon in a class with real competition and ended up with championship ribbons at the end.

What's your most memorable show?  When did you first win a "big" ribbon? 


  1. Congrats! The neck garlands are so pretty!
    Me and Shy got a blue ribbon in halter, but our best was the second in trail in hand.

    1. I would love to do trail in hand but haven't been to a show where it has been offered!

  2. Congrats - she looks stunning!
    Must catch up properly on your blog have fallen way behind *shame-faced*

  3. I look young for my age too. It used to be so annoying, now I don't mind. :) SFF is so gorgeous!!! Congrats on the wins! That is so exciting.

    1. Thanks! Hopefully in a few decades, I won't mind being mistaken as my husband's daughter, LOL.

  4. Congrats! I was thinking how you and my daughter are in the same boat. She's almost 24, and she still has salespeople come to the door and ask if her mother is home. When she tells them she's an adult, they ask what school she goes to. Then she has to inform them that she has a Master's Degree and teaches Special Education. That's when they get really embarrassed. The one that really cracks me up is when restaurant servers give her the children's menu.

    1. Hahaha, I don't think anyone this weekend thought I was an adult, let alone also married for five plus years & a master's degree like your daughter.

      I am super tall, so I usually don't get the children's menu, but often get asked what my dad & I want (to my poor embarrassed husband).

      Glad I am not the only one with this problem.


Please leave a comment if you like. I love hearing from readers and would like to know that I am not always talking to myself. ;)